About LOIS

The purpose of LOIS is to pave the way for research on new ideas and to invest more in scientific work and high-technology. Research is the foundation of our study, which explores technological innovation for the purpose of policy analysis. Companies invest in Research and Development for a variety of reasons, including improved market participation, cost management advantages, improvements in marketing capabilities, and trend-matching. A corporation can stay current by using Research and Development to track or stay ahead of market trends. The innovations developed via this research can actually help to cut costs by resulting in more efficient goods or production methods.


Why Lois ?

What makes the token unique is its wide range of applications in various fields, including in Centralized and Decentralized exchanges, a Multi-purpose store offering products in all fields, an educational platform, an artificial intelligence assistant robot designed and developed exclusively for the LOIS ecosystem. LOIS blockchain will be added to the applications of this token in the near future. Also thanks to the financial support and the team of programming experts, the field of applications of this token will be developed and expand every day.

What’s next for project?

The next step for the token is to create new platforms for token applications and also to create the LOIS Smart Chain, which is being programmed and implemented by experts and will soon be added to the Lois ecosystem.

Our Mission

The major goal of the LOIS fund is to change the way we perceive innovation so that it is seen as a protracted process of searching, experimenting, and learning rather than a quick burst of inspiration. Our project will be based on the research work for the investment in scientific work, new ideas and high-technology. At every stage of the innovation process, publicly financed research can make a valuable contribution in a variety of ways. It is important to provide long-term capital development while remaining fully invested in the Crypto asset. It is necessary for this to become a reality to have policies that permit ongoing communication so that businesses and researchers can share knowledge. Through a better knowledge of the long-term impacts and the intricate connections between public investment in research and sustainable growth, we believe that this article will contribute to the stimulation of innovation initiatives.

Token Sale

Token Name


Max Total Supply

90000000000 Lois



Lois Address



of Lois


of proceeds



Phase 1

Create Token


Smart Contract Audits

Launch Project

Events Campaigns

Phase 2

Coinmarket Listing

Exchange Listing

Major CEX Listings

Media Platforms


Other Decentralized

Phase 3

Advertisement on all Soical

Media Platform

updated Smart contract Audits


charity Domation

Phase 4

Multi chain master-node

updated web 3.0 website

App development For LOIS

Phase 5


Marketing Outside Of cryptosphere

The capital will Be invested
For cienific Research Projects

Purchase Equipment For The R & D

Donation For implantation Of Research Results

Token Burning will take place within the following stages

First Stage- Presale Round 1, which is offering 6% of total token supply, Lois Team will burn 0.6% of total supply token as the released token number reaches 1% sale. the team will burn 0.1% of total supplied tokens.

Second Stage- Presale Round 2. which is offering of total token supply, 14% Lois Team will burn 0.7% of total supply token as the released token number reaches each 2% sale, the team will burn 0.1% of total supplied tokens.

Third Stage- After the second stage is done the burning token will take in place every month and Lois Team will burn 0.1% of of total supply token per month until reaching to the total 3% of Burning token as its proposed including the first and second stages of burning tokens.

during the process of burning token all the relevant transactions sent to the dead wallet is being published on this current page.
Dead wallet address


Audits & KYC

Our token and smart contracts are audited and successfully passed with Etherauthority

Certificate of Audit

For maximum openness and transparency, both our token and Smart Contracts audits are accessible to the general public.

In order to provide you, our users, and visitors peace of mind, we employ the best security practices. Security has been put first in all of our efforts when developing the core platform and all subsequent enhancements.

The security of the funds belonging to our users, our partner projects, and our community as a whole is our top priority.

Furthermore, in order to ensure that we remain a secure and dependable platform for all of our users, we perform regular security audits.

Our Team

Amir Fehresti
Founder & CEO

Amir Fehresti

Founder & CEO

Ramy Katour
Blockchain Developer

Ramy Katour

Blockchain Developer

Contact Us

Any question? Reach out to us and we’ll get back to you shortly.

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